Monday, December 07, 2009



Sunday, December 06, 2009

我嘅鹹柑桔project - Day 1


不過患上"放假後憂鬱症"; 就算Christmas將至,我都提唔起心機。 算啦,學老公話齋,我巳經"預支"晒我嘅快樂! 哈哈。。。

由香港返嚟後,喉嚨一直都唔太舒服,令我想試吓自己浸鹹柑桔。 記得以前婆婆有一樽鹹柑桔,有乜喉嚨痛,一定俾媽咪或婆婆迫我飲。 細個嘅時侯當然覺得難飲。 記得後來有一次,一覺醒來,喉嚨痛到出唔到聲。 婆婆又攞出嗰樽鹹柑桔,用咗兩隻嚟沖水俾我飲。 好神奇咁,唔駛半個鐘已經出得番聲! 自從嗰次之後,我就愛上鹹柑桔!



Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Recap of day 14, 15, 16 in HK

Nov 25th, day 14th: Went to 又一城 again to pick up something. Then had lunch with Thomas, a university schoolmate, and Vikki. At night, went to 快活谷馬場 with Peter and his brother and sister. This is the first time I went to 馬場.
Discovery of the day: Food actually taste pretty good in 馬場!

Nov 26th, day 15th: Busy day, had 2 lunch asppointment and 1 dinner appointment! lol... 12:15pm lunch with Eva. 2pm lunch with my parents. Finally went to 澳洲牛奶公司 to eat one of my favour: 鮮奶燉蛋白. Then more shopping in 尖沙咀. Finally dinner with Peter's whole family.
Discovery of the day: I can't handle 3 meals within 3 hours!

Nov 27th, day 16th: Last day in HK. Had another 大家樂 breakfast, so good and so cheap. Then finished packing then go to airport. I don't wanna come back but I guess I have to.....
Discovery of the day: When you get older, you will start to miss your parents more!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Recap of day 12 and 13 in HK

Nov 23rd, day 12th: Had a early lunch with Joyce and Jeff before they went to honeymoon. Then went to 海洋公園. Finally got to see the big panda. Only spend 4 hrs in 海洋公園. Then more shopping in CWB.
Discovery of the day: Panda is very cute and big! 海洋公園 has nothing much to see.

Nov 24th, day 13th: 澳門一曰遊. 其實係賭場一曰遊!
Discovery of the day: 威尼斯人賭場好大, 新濠天地個天幕好靚。

Recap of day 10 and 11 in HK

Nov 21st, day 10th: Spend a day with my 好姊妹 思妹 for her wedding. It was very nice and sweet. At the end, I was very tired. Even though I didn't do much.
Discovery of the day: Simple is best! A wedding doesn't need to be too fancy, sometime less is more! Just like her wedding, very nice!

Nov 22nd, day 11th: Spend some alone time in the morning. Then met my parents in 元朗 and spend some family time. Dinner at 屯門黃金海岸, so nice.
Discovery of the day: I do need to have some kind of bread once a while. Without any bread for couple of days, I felt weird and crave for it like crazy!