Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Recap of day 12 and 13 in HK

Nov 23rd, day 12th: Had a early lunch with Joyce and Jeff before they went to honeymoon. Then went to 海洋公園. Finally got to see the big panda. Only spend 4 hrs in 海洋公園. Then more shopping in CWB.
Discovery of the day: Panda is very cute and big! 海洋公園 has nothing much to see.

Nov 24th, day 13th: 澳門一曰遊. 其實係賭場一曰遊!
Discovery of the day: 威尼斯人賭場好大, 新濠天地個天幕好靚。

Recap of day 10 and 11 in HK

Nov 21st, day 10th: Spend a day with my 好姊妹 思妹 for her wedding. It was very nice and sweet. At the end, I was very tired. Even though I didn't do much.
Discovery of the day: Simple is best! A wedding doesn't need to be too fancy, sometime less is more! Just like her wedding, very nice!

Nov 22nd, day 11th: Spend some alone time in the morning. Then met my parents in 元朗 and spend some family time. Dinner at 屯門黃金海岸, so nice.
Discovery of the day: I do need to have some kind of bread once a while. Without any bread for couple of days, I felt weird and crave for it like crazy!

Recap of day 8 and 9 in HK

Nov 19th, day 8th: Spend a day with my mom to go shopping in 尖沙咀. Then had dinner @ 銅鑼灣千両回轉壽司.
Discovery of the day: Shopping without worry about $ is very nice. Wish that I could do that more offen!

Nov 20th, day 9th: Didn't do much that day, more shopping somewhere!
Discovery of the day: Got sick from those stupid weather. Cold outdoor, hot indoor!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Recap of day 6 and 7 in HK

Nov 17th, day 6th: Finally went to see the movie 2012 @ Pacific Place AMC. Then dinner with Bit哥, Bit嫂, Joyce, Jeff @ CWB 住家菜.
Discovery of the day: $65.00 each for movie on Tue. It is the discount price already.

Nov 18th, day 7th: Went to apm in 觀塘,見到"黎明嫂"樂基兒。 Then went to 深井食燒鵝 with my parent.
Discovery of the day: 11 degrees in HK is very cold!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Recap of day 4 and day 5 in HK

Nov 15 - Day 4 : Spend some alone time that morning @ 朗豪坊. Coz Peter had somewhere to go and I was meeting my parents in the afternoon. Then took the new (at least to me) 港鐵西線 to 元朗 to meet with my parents. End up going back to 旺角 for dinner! All u can eat 曰本料理. I suppose to meet with Peter after dinner so we can head home together, but due to 塞車, he hasn't start his dinner when I finished mine. So I end up ate with him (and his brother and sisters) again. They went to 打邊爐. I was very full from my first dinner already, I only ate couple of pieces only.
Discovery of the day: 魚生 + 打邊爐 x within 3 hrs = 肚痛咗一晚!

Nov 16 - Day 5 : Spend whole day @ 又一城. Met with 細V for 下午茶.
Discovery of the day: 唔一定要玩過山車先至feel到離心,小巴都一樣得架!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Recap of day 2 and 3 in HK

Nov 13 - Day 2 : Went to MK for a while. Ate at a very good but very small place for dim sum @ MK. Then went to 紅磡 to buy Peter's 搵食工具.
Discovery of the day: GPS in iPhone works in HK too.

Nov 14 - Day 3 : Went to dim sum with my parents and 奶奶. Then planned to go watch movie 2012, but end up stuck in a very crowned CWB Sogo for over 2 hrs. It was something like Thankyou customer weeks. End up bought a bag that I planned to buy. Price drop from $950 to $590. Then dinner with Joyce and Jeff @ a very small 墨魚丸麵店. Follow by dessert @ 滿記.
Discovery of the day: Follow the flow in a very crowned place is very important. I don't remember how many times I got hit or bum by others in Sogo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Recap of my flight and day 1 in HK

Nov 11, 12:30am : on the plane.
01:30am: ate breakfast (taste very much like BK breakfast)
02:30am - 08:00am: felt asleep (but woke up like every hr, new type of plane 777 seat are very uncomfortable)
08:30am: ate dinner
10:00am - 12:00pm: went back to sleep
01:00pm: ate a cup noodle
01:30pm - 03:00pm watched Angels and Demons
04:00pm (HK time 05:00am): FINALLY arrived

Nov 12, 05:20am: Discovered that the first 機鐵 start @ 05:54am
05:54am: In機鐵
06:20am: @ 香港站 (Discover that 2 ppl can buy ticket @ group fare for $160.00 instead of $200.00)
06:25am: In a taxi
06:40am: Arrived @ 奶奶 home
01:00pm: dim sum with Peter's sister and brother.
03:30pm: Times Square @ CWB.
06:00pm: jet lag kicked in, went home.
07:00pm: dinner @ home
09:00pm: slept like a baby.