Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Recap of day 10 and 11 in HK

Nov 21st, day 10th: Spend a day with my 好姊妹 思妹 for her wedding. It was very nice and sweet. At the end, I was very tired. Even though I didn't do much.
Discovery of the day: Simple is best! A wedding doesn't need to be too fancy, sometime less is more! Just like her wedding, very nice!

Nov 22nd, day 11th: Spend some alone time in the morning. Then met my parents in 元朗 and spend some family time. Dinner at 屯門黃金海岸, so nice.
Discovery of the day: I do need to have some kind of bread once a while. Without any bread for couple of days, I felt weird and crave for it like crazy!