Sunday, February 25, 2007

04年Echo vs 97年Camry


尋日約咗何師奶係Hwy7 & Kennedy嘅新旺角中心食lunch。 當我係parking lot轉來轉去搵位之際﹐意外就發生﹗ 當時係我前面大約有3架車停咗係右邊到(應該係等緊parking)﹐咁我就靠左邊行去駛過堆車。 點知當我駛到去同個堆車最後個架車平排嘅時候﹐個架車(97年綠色Camry)突然抽頭向左邊出。。。 我當時已經平排嘅佢隔離。。。 就係咁佢架車嘅左邊車頭﹐就撞咗我架04年Echo嘅右邊車頭﹗



我架車比佢架車"傷"好多。 佢架車最大件事都係個side mirror。 我架車個front bumper就差不多散曬。 最奇怪係我架車居然俾佢撞到爆咗胎﹗ 結果call咗何師奶同P先生求救﹗ 攪咗一大倫。。。 矣﹗﹗ 星期二仲要去collision center報案。 而架車就可能等係香港返黎先整。

唔開心咗成日﹐不停諗如果我咁咁咁﹐係唔係可以避開呢次意外!? 不過後來同自己講﹐唔發生都發生咗﹐算罷﹗ 只要個人無事﹐已經算係不幸中之大幸(唯有咁安慰自己啦)﹗


今個星期發生咗一件開心同一件唔開心嘅事。 首先講咗開心事。。。

上星期日係我地註冊嘅日子。 經過簡單嘅宣誓﹐ 我地互相向對方許下一個一生一世嘅承諾﹗ 從此我地再唔係倆個個體﹐ 而係一個家庭﹗

多謝細V同水哥做了我地嘅證婚人﹗ 萬分感謝倆位嘅幫忙﹗

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snowy Valentine's Day


This Valentine's Day will be our last Valentine's Day as boyfriend and girlfriend. Four days later, we will be husband and wife! Although we didn't plan any celebration, I'm glad that we can spend today together (Thanks for the snowy weather, I can work from home today)! My little gift to Mr.P is this chocolate cake. Chocolate = Sweet!!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007



First I wanna apologize for letting all you guys know this happy news so late! Mainly because I’m lazy to write it out! ha ha…. I really wanna write this in chinese and I realize that probably it will take me a VERY VERY long time to do so. Second is that a lot of details are still not finalize!! For people that know me well, I love to plan everything out!! But there are a lot of things I can’t get my hands on yet. But I still wanna share with all of you! Here it is:

Let start from the beginning….
We did plan to get marry about 2 years ago when we purchased our house. At that time, we debated should we get marry before we move into our new house. But since my family and his family both live in Hong Kong, that means we have to spend more $ to go back. And we already knew that we are going to spend a lot of $ to purchase furniture and stuffs to fill up the new house. So we decided to wait until we settle for our new house first.

The theme…..
This summer, we finally decide that we will get marry in March 2007. The main theme for this wedding is ‘KEEP IT SIMPLE”. To be honest, both of us don’t want anything too big. Also planning everything oversea is not fun at all!! We want to have a nice dinner with families and taking wedding pictures. Thanks for families and friends in Hong Kong, we finally have some firm schedule. Our simple plan is that we will register in Toronto before we go back, dinner with families and wedding pictures in Hong Kong.

The details….


Feb 18th (and yes, first day of Chinese New Year) @ 12:00pm
It will take place at our house (Thanks V to come as my witness and sign the paper for me). It will be a very basic ceremony. I have asked the minister before did he has an office or something so that I can go to his place to just sign all the paper work? He said no. He said that he can come to any place that we want. Since we didn’t invite any guesses (we really just want to sign all the paperwork), I guess the best place will be our home (I was thinking how about a McDonalds? ha ha…). We haven’t purchase the wedding rings yet because we want to get them in Hong Kong. So I guess we have to tell the minister to skip the wedding ring exchange part then, ha ha! O, you might ask why the first day of Chinese new year? There is a very logistic reason. It’s because I don’t have any vacation day left since I need to take them all in March. So the registration has to take place in a weekend. Mr. P actually needs to work on weekends, the only coming day that he is off during a weekend is Chinese New Year. ha ha…. And yes, even later on Mr. P is going to forget about our anniversary day. He should remember our lunar anniversary day, because the whole world will remind him, ha ha!

Need details of marriage in Ontario:

The trip to Hong Kong:

We will be arrive on March 5th and leaving on March 22nd.

The banquet:

It will take place on March 10th @ 桃源酒家. Right now except that I know we will have 6 tables in total (families only), I don’t know much! I don’t know who is coming. I haven’t seen the restaurant before. I haven’t rent a dress for the night yet (and yes, this part no one can help me with. So I will need to do that in 5 days when I arrive). I need to get shoes to match the dress! I haven’t have appointment for hair and make up yet……. so on and so for. So now you can see why I’m panicking!

The wedding pictures:

We have decide to take the wedding picture at Modern Classic on March 13th and March 14th (Thanks for Eva and Joyce for all the help). We have chosen the $8980.00 (HKD) package. From forum and friends, we know that it will be end up a lot more then that. For now, I know that the follow charge will be add on:

- Add one more dress and make up $600.00
- Groom's make up $100.00
- Any addition pictures that not include in the package $150.00 each.
- UV protection on picture (don’t know yet)

Those are charges that I can predict. We will see what happen at the end. ha ha… We will not get our pictures until 3 months later!

Modern Classic website :

Beside the wedding stuffs, I still have to get my new smart ID and renew my HK passport in the first couple of days when I arrive!! I hope I will have time to get all these done!!

Last but no least, I wanna apologize to all our friends (in Hong Kong and Canada) because it seems like they are not include in our wedding plan. Due to all the difficulty of planning oversea and keep things small, I didn't invite everyone that I want! I promise I will have dinner with you guys after my “wedding trip”! I know you guys will understand! Also after we come back from Hong Kong, we will also head to Ottawa (maybe in May) to have dinner with my Grandma and uncles because they can’t go back to Hong Kong for this.

I have a lot of friends told me that I don’t look too exciting about getting married! To be honest, I’m happy that I’m getting married but still not too exciting yet. Maybe it’s because we already start our life as a "family" since we move into our new house, all we missing it’s the paperwork to be “officially” married! And also because I’m worry about I don’t have enough time to get everything done. I’m sure once I go back and have my hands on all the planning, I will be more exciting! I think my parents are more exciting because they can finally relax that their daughter is getting marry! ha ha… They always worry that no one wants to marry me!! ha ha…….